H. Upmann No. 2 is a premium cigar that is renowned for its unique flavor profile and strength. The cigar has a weighty feel and an even appearance, with an oily wrapper that suggests the depth of flavor hidden beneath. The flavor profile of the H. Upmann No. 2 is complex, with notes of wood, leather, and spice that are well-balanced and not overpowering. The strength of the cigar is medium to full-bodied, making it a favorite among cigar enthusiasts who enjoy a more robust smoking experience.
H. Upmann cigars have a rich history that dates back to the mid-19th century. The brand was founded by German banker Hermann Dietrich Upmann in 1844, who arrived in Havana, Cuba, to set up a branch office. Upmann was known for his attention to detail and commitment to quality, which helped establish the brand as one of the most respected in the industry. Over the years, H. Upmann has continued to produce some of the best cigars in the world, including the iconic H. Upmann No. 2.