The H. Upmann Magnum 54 Cigar
H. Upmann is a well-known cigar brand that has been producing high-quality cigars for over 170 years. The brand was founded in 1844 by Hermann Upmann, a banker who was passionate about cigars. H. Upmann cigars are known for their exceptional quality and unique flavor profiles, which have made them a favorite among cigar enthusiasts around the world. The brand has a wide range of cigars, each with its own distinct characteristics and flavor profiles.
One of the most popular cigars in the H. Upmann line is the Magnum 54. This short, Robusto-sized cigar has a thick 54 ring gauge and a medium-bodied flavor profile. The Magnum 54 is covered in an oily wrapper and has a mild flavor at first, which develops into a nutty character with woody and herbal notes. The cigar is well-constructed, with a smooth draw and an even burn, making it a pleasure to smoke.
The Magnum 54 has received positive reviews and reception from cigar enthusiasts and critics alike. In a review by Cigar Aficionado, the Magnum 54 received a rating of 92 points, with the reviewer noting the cigar's "rich, nutty smoke and a sweet finish". Another review by Cigar Journal praised the cigar's "excellent construction and complex flavor profile". The Magnum 54 has also been included in various "Top Cigars" lists, including Cigar Aficionado's "Top 25 Cigars of the Year" in 2017 and Cigar Journal's "Top 25 Cigars of the Year" in 2020. Overall, the H. Upmann Magnum 54 is a well-regarded cigar that offers a unique and enjoyable smoking experience.
Buy H.Upmann Magnum 54 - Box of 25 Now