Trinidad Vigía is a premium cigar brand from Cuba. According to Cuban Cigars, they are known for their unique taste and aroma, but may not be as consistent as other premium cigar brands. Trinidad Vigía is a relatively new brand that quickly became popular with cigar aficionados upon its launch. Trinidad Vigia cigars are known for their rich flavor and complex tobacco blend. The cigars are said to be cleaned at the Partagas factory, which specializes in the production of full-bodied cigars. These cigars are made with a tobacco blend from the Buerta Abajo region of Cuba, a region known for producing some of the finest tobacco in the world. The Vigía is a sturdy cigar, measuring 115mm long with a 50 ring gauge. It is a relatively short cigar but packs a lot of flavor into its small size. According to cigar experts, the cigar has a rich, earthy flavor with notes of leather, coffee and cocoa