The Plasencia Alma del Fuego Candente Robusto is a Nicaraguan cigar, which means that all the tobacco used in its construction comes from Nicaragua. The wrapper is from the Jalapa region of Nicaragua, known for producing high quality tobacco. This sun-grown wrapper gives the cigar a spicy flavor profile, which is complemented by notes of mandarin orange, roasted cashews and guava wood. This cigar is described as a powerful yet balanced cigar, with a delicious sweetness and accented by spicy, nutty and citrus notes. It captures the essence of the rich and fertile land of Nicaragua, which is reflected in the flavor of the cigar. In summary, the Plasencia Alma del Fuego Candente Robusto is a Nicaraguan cigar that offers a spicy flavor profile, complemented by notes of mandarin orange, toasted cashews and guava wood. It is a powerful yet balanced cigar that captures the essence of the rich and fertile land of Nicaragua. If you like robusto sized cigars with a spicy kick, this cigar is definitely worth a try.