The Cohiba Siglo VI Cigar A Premium Smoking Experience
The Cohiba Siglo VI cigar is a premium smoking experience that is highly regarded among cigar aficionados. The Cohiba brand itself has a rich history and is known for its exceptional quality and taste. The brand was established in 1966 and was originally created as a private brand for Fidel Castro. Today, Cohiba cigars are made exclusively in Cuba and are considered to be some of the best cigars in the world. The Cohiba Siglo VI is a part of the Cohiba Siglo series, which is highly popular among cigar enthusiasts.
The Cohiba Siglo VI cigar is known for its unique characteristics that set it apart from other cigars. It measures 5 7/8 inches in length with a 52 ring gauge. The cigar is crafted at the El Laguito Cigar Factory in Cuba using the finest leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region. The cap of the cigar is a uniquely Cuban style triple-cut head, which is flat with three cuts. The Cohiba Siglo VI offers an incredible aroma and a characteristic taste that is sure to please any cigar aficionado.
The Cohiba Siglo VI cigar is highly regarded among cigar enthusiasts for its popularity and prestige. It has received some of the highest scores in the Cohiba line from blind reviews, including a 93 from Cigar Aficionado and a 90 from Blind Man's Puff. The cigar was introduced in the United Kingdom as the "cañonazo," or "cannon shot," and was the first cigar to be sold in a glossy, pop-top, lipstick style tube. The Cohiba Siglo VI is a beauty, with a seriously classy appearance that is sure to impress. Overall, the Cohiba Siglo VI cigar offers a premium smoking experience that is highly sought after by cigar aficionados around the world